Our Impact

A 3rd of our profit goes to Close the Gap via The Dreaming Foundation

Profits for Purpose

Our vision is to provide sustainable funding independent of Government to Close the Gap between Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Australians by investing in Aboriginal led organisations who deliver impactful programs and initiatives.

The Dreaming Food Group model is unique, in that a third of the profits of the Group are donated to The Dreaming Foundation whose purpose is to holistically look at the Close the Gap socio-economic outcomes and provide direct funding to Aboriginal led organisations to deliver programs and initiatives which Close the Gap. The remainder of our profits are reinvested into growing and building a sustainable business.

The Dreaming Foundation supports Aboriginal led organisations deliver programs and initiatives which directly contribute to Close the Gap.

The organisations we work with are tackling the socio-economic outcomes across areas which have an impact on the life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

They are tackling issues such as life expectancy, childhood development, culture, education, work and careers, housing, avoidance of criminality, household safety, wellbeing and self-determination.

These organisations understand these problems and have the right solutions to tackle hem. We support their work at a tipping point when a small amount of funding can act as a catalyst for sustainable impact, making a meaningful difference and contributing to Close the Gap.

The Dreaming Foundation has an Aboriginal board which aligns with our view of the importance of Aboriginal self-determination.

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Aboriginal Employment Outcomes

The overarching employment strategy for The Dreaming Food Group is to embed the employment of Aboriginal people where possible. The strategy also encompasses de-centralising key manufacturing for the group’s businesses and having manufacturing into regional areas which can create career pathways for Aboriginal people across the business. We intend to launch our formal Aboriginal Careers Pathways program in 2022 which will look at Aboriginal direct employment including our suppliers , subcontractors and third party manufacturing partners.


Sustainability in across our Group at all levels is of critical importance to the ongoing operational strategy of The Dreaming Food Group.

From Day 1, we have designed a for purpose business which can direct funds to Close the Gap.

From Day 1, we have also designed a business which is carbon neutral with a target to achieve Net Zero Carbon.

We offset our carbon, and we are working to develop several Aboriginal led carbon partnerships, including projects in remote communities such as seasonal Savannah Burning.

As a Food Group, waste and the use of non-recyclable material is front of mind. We ensure that our waste is minimised and where possible all waste is recycled. In packaging we create, we ensure sustainable materials are utilised to ensure we do not contribute to waste to landfill.